At Trinity, we celebrate God’s gift of music as a vehicle for the Word. Members share their varying gifts of time and talent, offering music to God’s glory. We rejoice in this ministry as it enhances our worship experience, supports the work of the people, and carries the message of God’s redeeming love to the world.

Our Music Ensembles
Our music groups include:
Senior Choir (high school-adult) Wednesdays 7-8 PM
Adult and Youth Bell Choir
Elementary Choir
Occasional Choir (adults, sometimes with children) meets 30 minutes before a given worship service to learn a simple anthem
Vocalists, instrumentalists, and small ensembles (elementary school-adult) gather periodically
Contact the church office for more details if you are interested in participating!
Christian Education Committee
Because we are commissioned by Jesus Christ to teach the Good News, and because we desire to nurture our spiritual growth, Trinity Lutheran Church shall equip our members with a firm foundation in Biblical teaching as expressed through a Lutheran perspective. We will provide opportunities for spiritual experiences that will enable us to grow in our relationship with God. In this way, we will be empowered to accomplish our individual and congregational ministries in God’s world.
Vacation Bible School
We collaborate with other downtown Galesburg churches to provide a solid educational and relationship building experience for children.
Adult Education
Christian faith development and spiritual growth are key elements for adults as well. Opportunities available:
- New member classes as needed
- Bible study and discussion groups
Watch this section for additional information as it grows to learn more about the ministries we do together at Trinity!
Inreach Committee
To nurture the members of the congregation so that they might discover within the fellowship, encouragement and supportive attitudes toward growth in faith and hope and love. To develop and oversee the ministries of Trinity which focus on faith nurture in the congregation through education, care, and developing relationships.
Outreach Committee
To develop and oversee the ministries of Trinity which focus on the faith active in love by making a difference in the wider community through caring, justice, invitation, and sharing with others. To provide leadership and organization for the congregation so that it might responsibly learn about and carry out social ministry in our community and to motivate our members in the ministry of witness, outreach, church growth and development.
Mutual Ministry Committee
To serve as a support group for professional staff. To listen confidentially to concerns and issues with which professional staff is dealing. To assist in clarifying concerns and issues for professional staff in order that they may more effectively do their ministry. To focus thoughts and ideas for continuing education, personal ministry goals, and professional ministry goals. To provide feedback and information from other members of the congregation that will be helpful.
Property Committee
To provide oversight and proper maintenance for all of the congregation’s property so that the physical appearance of the church is attractive and provides a welcoming atmosphere to all who participate in the various events and programs of the congregation.
Technology Committee (subcommittee of Property)
To provide ongoing technology support for the church and our online services and remain current with various licenses and agreements.
Worship Committee
To provide and plan for services of worship at which the word of God is preached and the sacraments are administered. To plan, organize and coordinate the many elements that contribute to our worship life. To involve a large and diverse number of people in ministry through worship.
Decorating Committee (subcommittee of Worship)
To decorate the church for the various church seasons and/or festival Sundays.
Stewardship Committee
To help our congregation grow in our awareness of our role as stewards of all that God has given us and to grow in our sharing of those gifts as a grateful response to God. To provide leadership and to call other members of Trinity into roles that help our congregation to grow and flourish.
Personnel Committee
Be responsible for establishing and reviewing the position descriptions and personnel policies of all lay employees of this congregation. Make recommendations to the Congregation Council for the employing of staff. Serve as a Board of Appeals whenever an employee requests such action. Serve as support group for individual staff concerns. Be under the jurisdiction of the Congregation Council.
Nominating Committee
To seek nominees for various positions to be filled at the Annual Meeting every January. They search for candidates to serve on: the Congregation Council, the Endowment Fund Board of Directors, find 2 delegates from the congregation to attend the Synod Assembly held each year in June at Augustana College, and occasionally fill other committee openings when necessary.
Endowment Fund
A separate FUND into which bequests in wills, charitable remainder and other trusts, charitable gift annuities, assignment of life insurance, and transfer of property (cash, stocks, bonds, real estate) of $2,500 or more given to the church. The purpose of the FUND is to enhance the benevolent mission of Trinity apart from the general operation of the congregation; no portion of the income generated by the FUND shall be used for the annual operating budget of the congregation, except where authorized otherwise in terms of the gift.
The Endowment Fund helps support ministry in a variety of ways. One such way is in awarding scholarships to members who are pursuing higher education. Scholarship applications are due by March 15 annually. For more information or to apply, open the application form. Two viewing options are below.
Trinity Lutheran Endowment Fund Scholarship Guidelines and Application - Printable PDF
Auditing Committee
Performs the yearly audit prior to the Annual Meeting every January. Other audits may be required occasionally.
Finance Committee
To provide oversight and management for the business, financial, and operational programs of the congregation, enabling the congregation to fulfill its purpose and goals.
The Tie that Binds
Trinity supports ministries around the world such as the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) World Hunger Appeal.
A companion relationship with Kimandolu Lutheran Church of Arusha, Tanzania continues to be a source of spiritual growth and ministry for both congregations. Enjoy watching children of Kimandolu Lutheran singing "Come to Jesus" beautifully in this video.
Arusha is a city in northern Tanzania and the capital of the Arusha Region, with a population of 416,442 plus 323,198 in the surrounding Arusha District. Located below Mount Meru on the eastern edge of the eastern branch of the Great Rift Valley, Arusha has a temperate climate. The city is close to the Serengeti National Park, the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Lake Manyara National Park, Olduvai Gorge, Tarangire National Park, Mount Kilimanjaro, and Arusha National Park on Mount Meru.
Arusha is a major international diplomatic hub. The city hosts and is regarded as the de facto capital of the East African Community. Since 1994, the city has also hosted the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. It is a multicultural city with a majority Tanzanian population of mixed backgrounds: indigenous Bantu, Arab-Tanzanian and Indian-Tanzanian population, plus small White European and white American minority population. Religions of the Arushan population are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and Hindu. (source)